

Steelstorm great free indie game.

Steelstorm is one heck of an addictive game.

the first episode is totally free and works on multiple OSs like windows, linux and mac.

download it here:

If you like steelstorm, the second episode is already in the works and will be better than ever with tons of new stuff, but the author needs your support. So if you enjoy indie games, give them a hand :)

Here is a glimpse:


New 7zip released. Open .7z and .tar.gz in windows, mac and linux

The Best compressor program 7zip, has finally released a new version 9.20

It's been quite a wait, but the last version was pretty perfect, so it does take quite while to make perfect into perfecterrr :) this new release is packed with new features, speeds improvements, EVEN MORE comparability and bug fixes.

7zip handles everything you throw at it. You can even open popular linux .tar.gz archives in windows

compressing in .7z is better than compressing in .zip, but both are supported.

i usually attach this program (its just 1mb !) to my friends along with the compressed files in .7z

they love the little program

grab it at

it is open source, so it will always be free with no nagging shareware screens!

pac-man champion edition dx trailer and review

Wow, this was unexpected!

After 30 years finally a new improved pacman for the new decade 2010+!

first the trailer of course :)

and the review!

its now available on playstation network and xbox live arcade

how this comes to the pc and on everything else!

if not am sure many good clones will pop up!


New Emesene 2 messenger, now multi-protocol and seeking testers.

Emesene is a great open source, multi-platform (linux, windows, osX) messenger that was created for Msn / hotmail, but now, with yjr new version2 will be able to support GTalk, Facebook, etc. through their nice extensions system (awesome! :))

And for this to happen is looking for testers and contributors!

For me is one of the best, even in windows. It's super light weight, fast, nice, more secure and is harder for it to get infected by those pesky viruses, like on the normal client.

Now that it will be multi-protocol, it will be that much awesome!

the announcement is in their front page:
emesene 2 needs YOU!
The emesene team is trying to bring the awesomeness to a new level but we're short on manpower so we need your help to deliver a new version of your favourite im-application!
Want to help? Here's a couple of things we currently need:
  • Developers, developers, developers!
  • Testers
  • Packagers! (GNU/Linux, Windows, OSX)
If you have any question, get in touch with forums, mailing lists or GitHub issues! (click the BETA button on top-right of this page)


2 great looking distros released: linuxmint 10 and pinguy OS

The trend for great looks in linux has heated up, with the release of 2 awesome looking distros: linuxmint 10 and pinguy OS

Both are Ubuntu based, but are very very polished and

Linuxmint 10:
This distro has always been 1 step ahead of ubuntu in usability / ease of use, features and looks.
but this time it has really outdone itself in the looks department after ubuntu got a tad ahead of it 6 months ago.

another awesome final review here:

grab it here:

Pinguy OS:
Simply awesome, it comes with everything eye-candy.
IMHO it should had been called EYECANDY OS!
It comes packed with the best of ubuntu, nice tools from linuxmint and all the cool new stuff available in linux.

Pinguy OS links:
thanks to webupd8 for the news

Nice interview at distrowatch

If you want to show off, without having to spend hours configuring/tweaking stuff, get one of these now !

Just install and wow :)

Expect the battle to really heat up in 6 months with unity and gnome shell ready for mass deployment


Battlefield Play4Free, a great high quality free game

Here at freekko we love games of all kinds, specially if they are free and have the quality of Battlefield!

This game differs a lot from its other f2p (free to play) game Battlefield heroes. This time the focus is more modern, mature and realistic.

The news is HUGE and am i hope it becomes a trend :)

Battlefield Play4Free(TM) is a new free to play game from the same team that brought you Battlefield Heroes(TM). Set in the modern theatre of war Battlefield Play4Free is a first person shooter with realistic graphics.

 check it out

8.11.10 redesign and 150+ million downloads tracked!

"About - DIY

Spreadubuntu - DIY is a material repository and resource for local initiatives and LoCo Teams wishing to spread the Ubuntu operating system.
SpreadUbuntu - DIY has a strong emphasis on multilingual content. DIY is a subsection of SpreadUbuntu designed for marketing materials.
Users of SpreadUbuntu share the common interest of solving Bug #1. "

150+ million ubuntu downloads (all versions) tracked!

that is a lot in just over a year for the Ubuntu Linux distro alone :O

sources: (spanish)

Skyfire flash app sold out for iphone, still free for android

The popular app for android, is now available for the iphone and was sold out in just a few hours!

Well actually you cant sell out a virtual copy of an app, but their poor servers got BUSTED from the demand ( they need to upgrade em celerons!! ;) )

The demand spread out to quickly to those iphone users hungry to play flash videos on their phone.

It converts that flash vid to the new html5 standard. Allowing many times for a smoother experience even on android (which, unlike the iphone, already has flash officially available).

While games and other flash apps are not supported, at least this time iphone users will get a glimpse on the video content that android users have been enjoying for a while now.

from the vid of the iphone version, you can see it makes you wait a while for videos to load, so android users are still in advantage here with virtually no extra loading times.

Still it's an acceptable workaround, and by its popularity it shows that apple's ego is way over their head and sometimes places its users as last priority.

Well, even if a good portion of users have been suffering the consequences of poor decisions or even decided to move entirely away from apple's platform, one good thing has come out of this: "faster html5 adoption". Kudos to the skyfire team for being bold and making aggressive use of this technology :)

Anyway, grab the browser app here:
(remember is free for android)

Iphone users
will get a notice of when they can purchase the app (it will be sold in batches, first come ,first serve).

source: skyfire blog


Funny Android, iphone and Blackberry perceptions

Hhahaha very funny pic of how android, iphone and blackberry users see each other, it looks pretty accurate

and i totally agree with this comment:

This is hilarious. I laughed at every single drawing. Whoever came up with this is a comic genious. Great stuff!
The only thing I would change is I would put some Oakley sunglasses on that Einstein. I feel smart and cool. (Epic 4G owner)
 By benthe1

Source: androidcentral

Developers leaving Openoffice for LibreOffice

Bad bad Oracle

It's about time you got what you deserved

The History

Here is a brief history of what happened for those of you who do not know.

After Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems, fell into the hands of Oracle, as did a lot of other products. So, last month a few very prominent members of the community decided to form The Document Foundation and fork as LibreOffice, possibly fearing that it could go the OpenSolaris way.

They invited Oracle to join The Document Foundation and to donate the brand “”. LibreOffice was chosen as a temporary name until Oracle agrees to donate the brand.

Oracle was not pleased and asks those who founded The Document Foundation to leave citing “conflict of interest”.


LibreOffice has already got backing from Google, Novell, Red Hat, Canonical etc. Mark Shuttleworth had even said that it may replace in future Ubuntu releases.


see what happens when you try to mess up open source projects?

"when you mess with the best you.."

Mysql alternative: MariaDB

Need an alternative to mysql?

Check out MariaDB

MariaDB is a direct fork of mysql (5.1), by the same creator.
plus it has some nice enhancements and speed improvements.
Its completely free and open source, and is going to stay that way thanks to the Open database alliance.

This decision was made, after all the problems surrounding Oracle (who purchased Sun)and beating up all the open source projects under its wing...

MariaDB definitely looks like the future.

Questions? Check the MariaDB FAQ:

Grab the latest code packages and some installers here:


Will this be Banshee 2.0 's new interface?

With all the recent news about Banshee 2.0 being default for the new ubuntu 11.04, lots of speculation is going to begin building up around the new features and interface of this major release.

A few prototypes have been in the work for some time:


Am sure the Ubuntu guys will lend a hand this time and might even have the final say on stuff ( ok, no surprise there ;) ), so things might get mixed around a bit, but all in the name of enhancing the experience.

Ubunu 11.04: unity, banshee 2.0 and other cool things

The next release of Ubuntu, coming in April 2011 looks mighty interesting

Code named "Natty Narwhal" (a narwhal is a whale that *umm* with an unicorn... and thus got one big ass horn! Well actually Wikipedia says it's a tooth, huh? WT* :O)

Ooo..K, back to topic

2 of the things it will featured are:

1) A cool new 3d interface called Unity, powered by openGL and compiz (replacing mutter), that will compete directly with the interfaces, in looks and features, of mac and win7, while still being unique and using less resources (yes, you will still be able to use the new ubuntu with just a gig of ram or less).

It's expected to look similar to this:

The up coming new version of unity (using compiz) is said to be much faster.

If you have more questions, you may find answers here

2) A hip media player, Banshee 2.0, that will replace the slow developed "Rhythmbox" app

the current version 1.8 looks like this (depending on your theme)

the new interface for 2.0 might be similar to this

From here till April am sure many more surprises will popUP.

The pace at which Ubuntu and linux have been recently developing is amazing...

I just hope they work a bit more on the back-end and drivers too, so they can polish things as much as they are polishing the UI.


welcome to freekko

welcome to freekko, the site is dedicated to the people that love free, cool and interesting stuff (seriously, who DOESNT?! ;D)

we'll be posting often so stay tune!

enjoy and if you know of quality, free goodies, news or links of interest dont hesitate to share them with us !